Connecticut EMS Recertification and Continuing Education Information


Contact Information
Connecticut Office of Emergency Medical Services

410 Capitol Ave, MS#12EMS PO Box 340308 Hartford, CT 06134-0308

Mailing Address:
410 Capitol Ave, MS#12EMS PO Box 340308 Hartford, CT 06134-0308

Phone: (860) 509-7975
Fax: (860) 730-8384


How Recert Helps

  • Complimentary Professional Profile Tracking Tool provides you with one place to digitally track all your recertification efforts, certifications, and licensure information. Plus, once you have created your profile, Recert will help you stay on top of continuing education requirements and understand exactly what you need to do before your next recertification deadline.

  • Recert provides courses to fulfill all NREMT distributive education CE requirements 

  • Recert offers over 200 CAPCE-approved courses covering all your recerification needs.